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My Story - K. Michael Anderson

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Hello my friend! I'm Michael, a dedicated wellness educator here to tell you more about wellness course and how it will work for you to achieve a more balanced life with less inflammation in the body, more mindful tools for the brain, and a belief that lifts your spirit to greater heights.


These seven area's of interest can be found in the the Body, Mind, and Spirit approach to living. All three aspects need to be in balance to achieve a healthy environment.


Can charge yourself with refreshing and healing energy to energize you for the rest of the day and decompress after a long day of stressful activities


Cornerstone of a healthy life deep sleep provides the body the to repair and regenerate damage in the body, mind, and soul. Chronic lack of sleep stresses the immune system and you become more prone to disease.


Allows the digestive system to rest and recover and if done properly the body/mind/soul(spirit) performs much better in a fasted state then after eating. A 72 hour fast can create body healing Stem Cells.


If you live a fasting lifestyle you could have a more flexible diet. However the bottom line to superior health is to eat clean super foods that energize, repair and cleanse the body.


It has been discovered that less can be more when it comes to physical activitiy. But none is next to death. Bottom line is be active in your decisions. Walk instead of ride, Watch a good movie and take a walk afterwards. Don't just sit all day get out in nature as much as possible. Nature and fresh air actually rejuvenates the body mind and soul.


1st step of detox is stop exposing yourself to toxins in the food we eat and in the environment. That step alone will show improvement in your health. Fasting is the best form of detox, but again depending on your starting health it can cause problems. Rcommendation is to start slow.


Healthy relationships are a cornerstone of good health. to achieve good health means that we need to make hard choices on what to leave in and what to leave out and relationships are no different.


Learning Transcendental Mediation(TM) is very beneficial part of this program. Mediation in general helps the body become silent promoting the body-mind-spirit connection. However Transcendental Meditation so far is the only mediation type that has scientific evidence-based benefits such as deep relief from stress and anxiety, enhanced brain function and a healthier heart. During TM the mind becomes quiet but at the same time fully alert in a state of "pure consciousness" as the body gains a state of rest and relaxation.


6PM - 12PM

The human body needs less food than we typically consume. Fasting is like sleeping for the digestive system. When we are active digestion slows us down. That is why afternoons are less productive after we have had lunch. We can typically fast comfortably for 18 hours a day(ONLY 10 waking hours of fasting). The problem is getting your Body, MIND, and Spirit to settle into the schedule. That is where the process I have used for decades can help you achieve optimum health.


Spring cleaning for the body is to remove the waste and harmful substances that cause inflammation and intern cause disease. I liken to a mud puddle where you can not see the bottom. The puddle is full dirt suspended in the water. The body can have the same situation where harmful toxins are flowing with the blood to all parts of the body. They never settle but can be removed by reducing the toxins you eat and remove toxins form your environment. Fasting is a great detoxification technique, however the food you choose can clean your body resulting in less pain and injury. Clean body strengthens your immune system.


Individual Approach

Respect our differences to achieve the same result.

Specialized Intelligence

Use body intelligence to guide you down your wellness path.

Universal Engagement

All-Encompassing Awareness

for mind, body, and spirit.

Sustainable Process

Achieve success using enduring habits to build a healthy lifestyle

On Your Own Timetable

Universal Wellness depends on individual needs and timeline.

Empathic Privacy

Join a private group to share inspiration and gain motivation.


Asked Questions?

How does wellness education work?

You sign up for the Wellness Education Course. Move through the course at your own pace. You can post any questions in the private group. . The advantage to posting to the group is that others may have the same question and answers can benefit many. Only people that take the course can be in the private group, so they may be able to help with a question as well. The course is geared to achieve individual results using personality/body type information. Each person is an individual using the same process to identify a personal approach. The community allows you to connect with like-minded people for inspiration and motivation

Can I schedule one-on-one sessions with the wellness educator?

Yes you can, however there will be an additional cost. The wellness education course is designed to get you the answers you need using the course materials and the private community. If you join I believe you will understand how valuable the course and private community can be.

How long does it take to see results from wellness education?

Please understand that this approach is not to get in perfect health overnight. Going too fast can result in failure and setbacks that can affect your confidence. The best results are obtained by working the process and creating good habits that are sustainable so failures and setbacks can be eliminated. Please understand that everyone starts at a different level of health so each person's path is on a different timeline. The process that is used will results in better health by changing conditioned behavior to move forward living the healthy life you deserve. I can not stress this enough if you move to fast it puts you at a higher risk of failure. This process is not all doom and gloom it will work if done properly. I have an obligation to set your expectations.

Can this wellness education help with weight loss?

Yes, absolutely, if fact if you work the process correctly the weight loss could happen naturally and without feeling hungry or starved for food. Please understand that anytime you introduce change into your life there will be times of struggle and you may experience setbacks or a decision you wished you didn't make. The best approach to this is accept the decision and move on. Do not beat yourself up about it. Believe me you will make mistakes. The best approach is to own it and move on. The approach is to understand that the process is to get you to have a long time in between setbacks. At the beginning the time between setbacks might be short depending on your situation. But understand the process is to own the mistake and understand the process. You are building sustainable habits that promote long-term health and well-being.

What qualifications do you have to educate on wellness?

My qualifications are imbedded in my life long experience and the success I have achieved by working this process. I have studied and experimented on myself to prove that these techniques work. Please understand that I did not invent most of what is in the course. I have studied mediation, yoga, martial arts, nutrition, and aspects of health such as sleep, relationships, and activitiy for decades. I have detoxified my body and continue to maintain my health by following the process laid out in this course. The course is based on the ancient Indian medical system, also known as Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest medical systems and remains one of India's traditional health care systems. The ayurvedic approach focuses on all aspects of the Being such as Body, Mind and Spirit. This course will provide external resources so you can investigate what others say about fasting, detoxification, natural and holistic approach to wellness. I'm only qualified by a life time of success living, healing and maintaining my health at a high level for over four decades.

How do I get started with the wellness education?

it is as simple as signing up for the Wellness Education Course through this website. If you have questions please submit them in the Contact Us page and answers will be provided.


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Empowering Your Path to Wellness

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